Thursday, June 17, 2010

Le Cram's Ultimate Tribute (TM) To Walt Disney Productions-"The Black Hole"

Today we are starting a new semi-regular feature here at Le Cram's, and we think you will find it to be pretty awesome!!! The third Thursday of every month will be... "Ultimate Tribute Thursdays"! What is an Ultimate Tribute? An Ultimate Tribute is the highest honor that fans of stuff, like us, can pay to our favorite things! Some of the Ultimate tributes will be by Le Cram, while others will be done by Le Cram's friends/associates. Le Cram also invites you, the Le Cramites to submit Ultimate Tributes, and if the Le Cram staff likes them, they may get published on Le Cram's! The submission guidelines are as follows. 1.) Ultimate Tributes must be done on a sheet of notebook paper that has been yanked out of your "Trapper Keeper". 2.) Only a number two pencil may be used.
3.) All Ultimate Tributes must conform to the basic layout of this first Ultimate Tribute. 4.) Scan at a resolution of 150PPI in the JPEG format, and email to: . It's that simple!

Our first Ultimate Tribute is to Le Cram's favorite "SciFi" movie, The Black Hole, made by Walt Disney productions in 1979. If you haven't seen it yet, I hope this will inspire you! Enjoy!


  1. How is this "awesome"? Is this some kind of Mega-Nerd gathering place?

  2. you should link to what inspired this

  3. Anonymous above-

    I'd like to, but I have been advised against it. For more on this, please check with this guy.

  4. Am I missing something here? In what world would anyone consider this a tribute? How old are you, Le Cram?

  5. I have to agree with the others here, what is this? I think maybe some of the other comments are a bit mean spirited, though. Let's try and keep it civil everyone.
    It's a good time for the great taste!

  6. Why are people so mean? This is a place just to have fun and maybe think about things in a way that people might not have otherwise. I just wish this tribute had more Le Cram pictures on it, though, to be fair, didn't Le Cram draw some Black Hole pictures several posts ago? I, for one, would like to say thank you to Le Cram. (And I'm still waiting for a Pokey portrait.)

  7. That Guy-

    Thank you, That guy, for the support. Le Cram has to admit he's a bit surprised by the mostly mean spirited comments. They must have very sad lives. Le Cram feels sorry for them. Well, That Guy. We wont let those meanies ruin our good time, will we?
    Pokey picture soon!
