Thursday, December 16, 2010

Clowns and Calculations, or Clownculations.

Sometimes when Le Cram is at work, he gets bored and stuff like this happens. When Le Cram looked down the other day at this paper that Le Cram was doing some calculations on, he (Le Cram) got a chuckle out of seeing this clown in the middle of a bunch of math. Le Cram almost didn't remember drawing the clown. Maybe Le Cram was "day dream drawing". A few days later Le Cram was at work and saw the same sheet of paper with another clown on it!!! It turns out that one of Le Cram's work chums had been inspired to do his own clown!!! Drawing clowns is fun!!! Unless you are a smelly bloop monster. Bloops are so grotesque and lame, that they don't like clowns. Anyway, enjoy.

Le Cram thought everyone would also enjoy seeing the bleed through that was on the next sheet, so here it is:

Friday, December 3, 2010


Hey everyone! Le Cram's wanted to let you all know that Le Cram's follower Evil Klownieval has a new post up, and The Gentleman Clown is sharing his creative side with us! Check it out here:

Happy Holidays!

Le Cram