Tuesday, October 27, 2009

King of Soul

It's time to crown the "King of Soul"! Who will it be? Tell us your vote in the comment section, and Le Cram will count them later!
Who will be the "King of Soul"? Have your say at Le Cram's!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Captain Lou Albano, 1933-2009

Le Cram would like to take a moment to remember Captain Lou Albano, who passed away Wednesday. To 9-12 year old Le Cram you were a little frightening, but you seemed okay after you played Cyndi Lauper's father in some of her videos. I thought you were strange for having rubber bands hanging on your face, but looking back most of the WWF guys seemed kind of crazed( it took Le Cram a while to figure out that it was all acting, I was a kid, cut Le Cram some slack). So thank you Captain for making the early 80s a little more colorful. For a while, I really thought you were Cyndi Lauper's father!

Thank you Captain. Le Cram will remember you.