Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Le Cram A Tergo

Le Cram doesn't have a post this week, because he's got a piece in the latest issue of vis a tergo. It is the last piece all the way at the bottom of the screen.


Happy now?



  1. Hey! Congratulations, Le Cram! You're really moving up in the world. And to think, I knew you way back when... But seriously, congrats! You deserve the recognition.

    B. Lensley

  2. Way to go Cram. Local boy makes good.

  3. That's terrific, Le Cram. I can't wait to pick up a coffee table book one day that features all of your drawings. I hope that, when that time comes, you will do a book signing at my local bookstore, and I'll be able to meet you in person and say thank you for all the memories and fun times. But, I suppose you better get that book together quick and get it published before all the local bookstores are gone. You can't sign a Kindle, can you, or my computer screen?

  4. That's what I like about Le Cram's! This is fun, no? Yes!

  5. Hello Le Cram, and fellow Le Cramites!

    Le Cram-
    First, congratulations on your first piece in a literary journal. I thimk we can all agree that you have arrived. I do have a question though. Will you continue to write this blog regularly, or do you plan to do more "guest blogging" at other sites? Whatever you decide, please keep us informed so we can continue to follow!

    - A. Fan

  6. Who are you, Le Cram? My friend thinks she knows who you are. Any hints?
    Also, you have to admit Heart had a couple of good songs in the 70's. Right?

  7. Wow! Le Cram is very touched by all the messages of support. Le Cram and staff would like to thank all of you for making Le Cram's the success it has become. Look for Le Cram to do some more "guest blogging" in the near future.

    You are just dead wrong about heart.

    Le Cram
