Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Peter "Robocop" Weller

Le Cram is a "Sci-Fi" fan, and has been known to go to some "Fan-Cons". So Le Cram was thinking the other day, what would I ask Professor Peter "Robocop" Weller if I met him at a Fan Convention? Here are the top ten questions Le Cram came up with.

1. Do you and Ed-209 hang out when you're both off duty, and if so, is it a cop bar or robot bar?
2. Did you ever "buy that for a dollar"?
3. What is Ed-209 like in person?
4. Did it ever seem strange to you that the police car of the future was a 1986 Ford Taurus?
5. What is your favorite flavor of baby food? My friend Paul Fordax thinks it's Banana!!!
6. Is Ed-209 related to the AT-ST from "Return of the Jedi" ?
Return of the Jedi's "AT-ST"

7. Is Ed-209 related to Jake-205?
8. I understand you are currently a Professor at Syracuse University specializing in The Italian Renaissance. Do you think you will ever be able to forgive Boddicker?
9. As a University Professor, could you tell us if there is an academic equivalent to Directive #4?
10. Dick York, or Dick Sargent?

Well, what do you guys think? Are there any important questions I didn't think of? Let Le Cram know if you have any good ones.

-Le Cram


  1. WTF?!? What about Peter "Buckaroo Banzai" Weller??? No mention of the Oscillation Overthruster? No questions of what the Eighth Dimension was like? No questions of his ongoing fight against Hanoi Xan or Dr. Lizardo? Or his current plans to tour the greater Los Angeles area anytime soon???? sad, Mr. Cram...sad...

  2. "Professor Weller, are you related to musician Paul Weller or to Entertainment Tonight pioneer host Rob Weller?" That's what you should also ask Peter Weller.

  3. David, er I mean anonymous-

    Okay. okay. Le Cram get's it. Here's a new question for Professor Weller that I think you will like! Professor Weller, would Ed-209 have been good to have around when you were fighting Xan & Lizardo?

  4. That Guy-

    What is "Entertainment Tonight"? No questions about ED-209?

  5. Dear Professor Weller:

    Does Inspector Gadget outrank you? Do you have to do what he says?

  6. Hey...I like your picture of Mike love. It sort of looks like it could also be Thom Yorke of Radiohead or Chris Martin of Coldplay, both of whom must have appeared at sometime or other on Entertainment Tonight. And I'm still waiting to see your drawing of Pokey, Gumby's pony pal.
