Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Star Trek TNG's Data!!!


  1. I love it! But better not let Commander Ryker see that he's been demoted, knocked out of the #2 spot by Worf. Gee, I miss this show...

  2. Your making up the Craxian Wars. There's no such thing in Star Trek. Data was not a veteran of this imaginary war from your imagination.

    Please change this becuase your being dishonest.

  3. Let us never forget the sacrifices of those who fought in the Craxian Wars.

  4. Anonymous above-

    Have you ever even watched Star Trek TNG? "No Craxian war"?!? Get out of here you wanna-bee.

  5. WARP Factor AWESOMEMarch 19, 2011 at 4:18 PM

    You guys clearly don't know what you're talking about. There has NEVER been a mention of "Craxian Wars" in any incarnation of Star Trek. The owner of this blog needs to check his or her facts. Also, the topic of Data having "best" or "second best" friends was never brought up on Star Trek The Next Generation. This is an insult to the memory of Jim Roddenberry.

  6. Actually, Warp Factor Awesome, Gene Roddenberry really had nothing to do with Star Trek TNG. He was booted off the series early on because his outdated ideas were ruining the show.

    Rick Berman is the true genius behind Star Trek: TNG.

  7. There are no virgins here, That Other Guy. If you don't believe me, ask your mom.

  8. Good move being "Anonymous", because if I knew your identity, I would make you piss out your ass, Virgin.

  9. Wait...So you're name's really That Other Guy?

  10. come nothing's happening here? I love Data, but I don't need to look at him for two months. I'm worried and hope everything's okay.
