Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Neil Alan Smith 1961-2010

Le Cram recently read a news story online about a man who was recently killed by a hit-and-run driver, and wanted to share his story. His name was Neil Alan Smith, and he was a 48 year old dishwasher at a Crab Shack restaurant in St. Petersburg Fl. Mr. Smith was riding his bicycle home from work at 11P.M. on September 12th, when he was struck by a car that did not stop. He was taken to a near by hospital where he died of his injuries several days later. The people that knew Mr. Smith describe him as dependable, hardworking, and concerned with the welfare of those around him. Why am I posting about this guy I didn't know, that lived on the other side of the country? Well, the article I was reading stated that The St. Petersburg Times announced his death on their website, and that someone had left the following anonymous comment. "A man who is working as a dishwasher at the Crab Shack at the age of 48 is surely better off dead". The paper's web editor removed the comment, deciding that it was offensive and insensitive to Mr. Smith's family and friends. Further, the editors, who were themselves disgusted by this grotesque comment, decided to honor Mr. Smith's life with a full obituary. I commend the editors of The St. Petersburg Times for counteracting what this heartless fiend said, by showing that Mr. Smith was a hardworking, well liked, decent person, that was just trying to survive. What will be said about this anonymous commenter when he or she dies? Hopefully the truth. Something like: "Enjoyed mocking the dead, and judging a person based on their income. A true waste of air". Please read Mr. Smith's story here:


  1. Cheers to you, Le Cram, for posting this story of Mr. Smith on your blog, and I agree with you about that a-hole commenter...what an idiot.

  2. Angie! That Guy!-

    Le Cram is sorry to be tardy in responding. Le Cram has been at the EPCOT Center international food and wine festival. Le Cram is quite the connoisseur!

    Concerning Mr. Smith. Le Cram likes to keep things "lighthearted" around here, but Le Cram was so appalled at this cowardly attack on the memory of a guy that was just trying to survive, that Le Cram had to say something, even if it has also been said elsewhere. Le Cram thanks you both for your support.

    Le Cram

  3. Hey...weren't you supposed to take us all with you to the EPCOT Center? Geez...not even a postcard....
