Monday, November 1, 2010

Le Cramthulhu

Le Cram is quite the enjoyer of all things H.P. Lovecraft, as many of you know(Larry!?!). So when Le Cram recently heard that his fiend David Milano was holding a Lovecraft drawing contest, Le Cram was very excited to participate! Some of you may remember David as the winner of the Le Cram's contest:"Draw your favorite Black Hole character". David's instructions were simple. Draw yourself as Lovecraft's hideous fish monster, Cthulhu. The one problem was, Le Cram found out after the contest was already over. Le Cram tried to contact David Milano about the possibility of a late entry, but never heard back. Le Cram was disappointed because Le Cram thinks he could have won this contest. So Le Cram decided to go ahead and draw the picture he would have entered, had he had the chance. Enjoy everyone!

That's the power of love!


  1. Right? Le Cram totally would have won this contest. Thanks Chon-Guy!

  2. Lovecraft gives me the willies. I remember seeing the paperback covers of his books at the supermarket when I was a kid and thinking that they looked horrifying...hundreds of worms crawling out of the sockets of skulls and other unspeakable things. Thanks for bringing those nightmares back, Le Cram...thanks a lot! By the way, am I the only one who things that the creature in your drawing looks like Davy Jones from the Johnny Depp pirate movies?

  3. Don't mean to be argumentative, but i read Mr. Milano's post, and it clearly was not a contest. Did you even read it?

  4. Sounds argumentative to Le Cram.
